Thursday, 4 February 2010

Glory of Heracles - 0001# Opening part 2

// Map - Forest

Scene starts with our blue soldier walking in. The boy and the soldier enters... running around a big tree in a circle, Soldier [ ✖ ] Gimme back *pant* my sword!. Our little blue friend is just watching them in a cat chase.

Walks away to the left.

•Boy (?)

YOUR sword? This thing belonged to my father!

•Soldier [ ✖ ]

You'll have the *pant* lie better than that, kid. I bought that junky sword *pant* with my own drachmas!

•Boy (?) [ ✖ ]

Don't blame me for buying hot merchandise. You should be chasing the crook who sold it to you!


Oh, he's *pant* next on my list, right after I deal with you!

You're gonna pay me for making me run halfway across this island, girl!

•Soldier walks and unleashes his sword on his right hand

•Boy (?)

Girl? My name is Leucos! I'm a guy!

Wah! No need for violence!


You think I'm an idiot? If you're a guy, then I'm the legendary Heracles. Now hold still while I stab ya!


•Leucos (boy) [""""]

•Soldier crab walks closer

•Leucos backs away and runs at the edge of cliff


•Soldier looks down / angry / does a monkey dance

What? Hey! That's my sword you're falling with!

SFX: then fades out


falls off cliff

## we'll see the boy with the blue person at the bottom of the cliff

sees him lying next to the cliff edge, walks towards him and checks if he's alive.

Phew! Guess that's one way to ditch a pursuer.

kneels and talks to the dead blue soldier

Oh! I dragged you into this... Forgive me...

But this was your fate, and if there's one thing I learned from this immortal life, you can't argue with fate.


Don't blame me. Blame the gods.

Rest in peace, stranger.

walks out.

•Blue soldier (We'll call him that for now)

[°°°] wakes and stands up.

## Head towars the upper left of the map, a red treasure chest is present

>> A Hint: Treasure Chests will appear

Treasure chest: Herb

## Move to the top left of the map, another scene will occur.


I'll never get used to this...

[ ♪ ] jumps down the cliff.

•Blue Soldier / You.

##runs towards the cliff and also jumps down.

>> A Hint: Jumping down will appear

Tap the screen twice when you see the ↓ symbol or press the Y button.

get ready for some ancient Greek BASE jumping.

•Blue Soldier / You.

## jumps down. flat on your face again. looks dead.

SFX: fades out

•Leucos [ ! ]

[ !! ] runs towards source of disturbance.


But I left your dead body back there... [ ó ] (sweat drop)

[ ?! ] Could you be a zombie maybe? No way... [ ó ]

[ °°° ] I guess that soldier must've hauled you to the cliff and thrown you off.

But... why would he do that... ?

What a sicko!

*sigh* That's fate for ya. Sick or not, you can't argue with fate.

•Blue Soldier / You.

[ °°° ]

stands up.

•Leucos [ ! ]

walks half way around you.

[ ?! ] Agh! He is a zombie!


runs off... then comes back -

Or maybe ... You immortal, by any chance?

//Question - answer (B) No (A) Yes


(B) No


No, I saw you fall! You can't fool me!

My name is Leucos. Well met!

## moves towards you.

(A) Yes

I'm immortal just like you... In case you hadn't guessed.

So, what's your name? [ °°° ]

Did you forget?

Can't say I'm surprised. You did bash your skull pretty good back there.

Any idea where you came from? Or where you were going?

[ °°° ]

An immortal with amnesia? Boy, you must have really ticked off the gods.

I'm sure it'll all come back eventually.

In the meantime, how about we journey together?

I'm traveling around the world to find out the reason why I'm immortal...

You HAVE to come with me! I can't run into a fellow immortal and just walk on by.

Us meeting is fate, and you can't argue with fate. [ ˆˆˆˆ ]

Actually, this is the first time fate ever delivered something good.

I feel so thankful all of a sudden.

I've got it! Instead of thanking fate, I'll thank you instead.

Take this... ##hands over a sword.

It's my father's sword.

It's yours for now, but don't get too attached: I may want it back someday.

[ ˆˆˆˆ ]

Hey, how about a little gratitude?

It might look dull, but that sword has potential. Can't you feel it?

Bah! Guess I'll be doing all the talking on this road trip. Let's go.

// You and Leucos walks off and this ends the scene.


Glory of Heracles - 0001# Opening part 1

// Map - Beach

You'll see in sequence a boy in red running in a forest, a blonde guy in green talking to four ladies, a big, bulky, tall man in red being rounded up by eight red soldiers and a little girl in a black dress in a dark and unknown dungeon...

Afterwards ...

You'll se a blue ray of light on the middle of the screen. It shows a man standing next to the middle of a blue platform. The man is hidden by a large shadow that is casted from an unknown source.

\\ The scene starts...

•Man's Voice

Heracles, you must stand on the platform for this to work.

Hurry, Heracles! Do as I say!

SFX : then it fades out

And then... a new scence is shown.

On a sunny lit beach, the waves are washing on the shore, some objects have been washed in, seagulls are heard from the air, a blue-ish soldier with a red cape lying on the sandy beach (dead?) ... while later on ... a boy enters the scene - wearing a red attire - running away from something and passed by [?] and took a quick glance at the washed up soldier. [ ! ] And dashes off to the left of the screen.

•Soldier: [ ]

Halt! Stop! *Pant pant* Stop, theif!


*kicks the dead blue soldier*

[ ] runs off to capture the theif (boy in red clothes)

•Soldier leaves the scene.

## The blue soldier lying on the sand is left with the waves washing on the shore.

He stands up and the scene is left.

SFX : then it fades out

>> You appear on the World map

// Map - Island of Crete

You're character is located on the North East of the island - on the right bay / shore

>> Hint: Movement appears

Head towards the gap / entrance of the cliffs.



Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Glory of Heracles - Hints

○ Hint: Movement
Use the stylus to touch the direction in which you want to go.
You can also use your control pad to move in the direction you want to go.

○ Hint: Treasure Chests
Touch treasure chests with the stylus to take what's inside.
You can also use your control pad to move next to the treasure chest and press the A button to open it.

○ Hint: Jumping Down
Occasionally, you may see the ↓ ( a curved yellow arrow pointing downwards) symbol appear at the top of cliffs
and other high places.
When this happens, you can jump down by tapping the screen twice with the stylus or pressing the Y button.

○ Hint: Combat Setup
Let's get ready for combat. Select "Setup" from the menu.
Tap "Menu" with the stylus. Click on "Setup".

Glory of Heracles - Useful Links

I think you may find these links useful if you wanted to know more about the game in detail.

♥ Official G.o.H. NDS Japanese website

♥ Official G.o.H. NDS North American website

♥ Official Nintendo Online Magazine website

♥ Wikipedia G.o.H

G.o.H - Glory of Heracles abbreviated.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Glory of Heracles NDS

Image: Glory of Heracles
N. G© 2008-2010 Nintendo / PAON. Glory of Heracles, Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2010 Nintendo.lory of Heracles, Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2010 Nintendo.
All rights and reserved to the creator and organisations.

I've started to play this game when it first came out after a few days and I'm almost finished playing with it too. During my game play I searched around the net to find a walkthrough or so ... but failed. I have seen quite a few mini ones recently and thought... why not make my own? and see if it could also help others since as a game player myself - it is quite hard to continue playing a game once you get stuck. And so... I started to create my own guide / walkthrough for this game :)